
Note: There are a lot of good posts that are 'buried' behind other posts that are newer. Take a moment to scroll through the list at the left and click on Posts that you might otherwise miss. There are some real gems in there!


We live in critical times.

By that I mean that our nation and our culture is fighting for its life.

The current "election is not a choice between two men or even two parties - it is a choice between two kinds of American Governments: the one we were founded under and the one that we are floundering under".

The original is a tried and proven form of government that was so successful that it was copied by all but six of the governments of the world and resulted in the most incredible improvement ever seen in the history of the world.

The "fundamental change" that Obama is in the process of imposing upon us is nothing but one more of numerous attempts to make socialism work.

Socialism is a failure formula that has never worked and has failed or is in the process of failing every time it has ever been implemented.

It will destroy our nation and the freedoms our founders bought with their blood and if we lose this battle, our freedoms will not be restored for generations to come and would require the spilling of more blood.

Our founders put in place a means for us to preserve our country without bloodshed. It is as simple as entering the voting booth and voting for the representatives that believe in the original government formed by the founders.

The presidential team that supports our heritage - is the Romney/Ryan team.

Keep in mind that our states also have rights and if we do not continually fight to maintain our states' rights, we also lose the battle. Vote for the representatives that can best help your state restore and maintain state's rights.

This blog was created to share information that will provide important details about current issues that are affecting our nation. The information included is a collection of documents, videos, emails, commercials, political cartoons, etc. It has not been checked for accuracy - the job it too tedious and time consuming for me to get to.

I agree with much of it but do not agree with all of it. I'm sure it will be the same for you but thought it was all worth sharing.
Please share this with as many people as you can before the November 6th election.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Washington Post Endorses Obama but Acknowledges many of his Failures

During the debates Romney pointed many of these same failures, all of which Obama denied or said Romney was wrong about. In some instances he claimed the failures Romney was pointing out – and the Post acknowledged – were actually his successes! Interesting that the very liberal Post would agree with Romney that many of these were failures!
According to the Post:

• He did not end, as he promised he would, “our chronic avoidance of tough decisions” on fiscal matters.

• "We were disappointed that Mr. Obama allowed the bipartisan recommendations of his fiscal commission to wither and die and that he and Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) failed to seal a fiscal deal in the summer of 2011."

• "Mr. Obama alienated Congress and business leaders by isolating himself inside a tight White House circle that manages to be both arrogant and thin-skinned. Too often his administration treats business as an obstacle rather than a partner."

• He hardly tried to achieve the immigration reform and climate-change policy he promised.

• In reviewing his foreign policy record, the Post said Obama "was hesitant and inconstent in responding to the two greatest and most unexpected foreign-policy opportunities of his presidency: the pro-democracy uprising in Iran in 2009 and the Arab Spring two years later."

• "Mr. Obama kept the United States on the sidelines as Syria plunged into civil war, costing more than 30,000 lives — most of them civilians — and breeding extremism that may destabilize a half-dozen countries."

• "By not securing a presence in Iraq after ending the U.S. military mission, he failed to capitalize on America’s decade-long commitment to that nation, and his ambivalence regarding Afghanistan — sending more troops, but with artificial deadlines and no clear commitment to their success — promises trouble in coming years."

Read more on Washington Post Endorses, Criticizes Obama